AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Classes


This package includes 6 lessons, 30 minutes in duration, that are all positive reinforcement based to get your puppy started off on the right paw! We cover topics relating to health, nutrition, vaccines, first aid, and of course all the basic commands a puppy needs to thrive! When your puppy graduates class, they leave eligible for their S.T.A.R. certificate from AKC.

SKU: 0001 Category:


This package includes 6 lessons, 30 minutes in duration, that are all positive reinforcement
based to get your puppy started off on the right paw! We cover topics relating to health, nutrition, vaccines, first aid, and of course all the basic commands a puppy needs to thrive!

When your puppy graduates class, they leave eligible for their S.T.A.R. certificate from AKC.


Prices are marked at an e-Check (ACH) Discount of 3.99%, so you are saving instantly if you are paying by e-Check. If you pay in any other method than e-Check, you will not be taking advantage of the 3.99% e-Check Discount and the difference will be added to your purchase.

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